Af hverju er ÖRLÖ með allt að 3x meiri upptöku en aðrir?

Why does ÖRLÖ have up to 3x more absorbtion than others?

One of the most common questions we receive from customers is "Why does ÖRLÖ have up to 3x more uptake than others?".

The answer to this is "simple" and in short, it's mainly because the microalgae we grow is a primary producer. There is no need to chase after some innocent fish all over the pulleys in order to melt the liver of the fish in question for the ingredients.

The fact that the microalgae is a primary producer makes the absorption of the ingredients much simpler for the body. Polar lipids make the contents mix directly with the contents of the stomach (emulsion).

Notes below table

1. Primary producer - The content comes directly from the source, the microalgae.

2. Vegan - no animal products are needed to produce the product.

3. Nutritional value - Polar lipids allow the Omega fatty acids to mix directly with the contents of the stomach and therefore do not settle on top of the contents like, for example, fish oils.

4. No fish mouth because there is no taste or smell of the product and no animals are involved.

5. Sustainability - our system is completely sustainable and returns a positive result back to the environment.

6. Natural antioxidants are found only in Light food and fresh microalgae.

The picture below shows the difference between Omega-3 fatty acids from light eaters and from the microalgae that VAXA Technologies grows here in Iceland. The difference is explained primarily by the fact that the microalgae is a primary producer and therefore the body can absorb the ingredients much more easily.

This information is compiled from two studies carried out in 2013 and can be accessed below:

Link 1 : Acute appearance of fatty acids in human plasma – a comparative study between polar-lipid rich oil from the microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata and krill oil in healthy young males

Link 2: from the same study as above

Link 3: Meta-analysis: Effects of Eicosapentaenoic Acid in Clinical Trials in Depression